Taste of the Tri-Lakes & Rotary Memory Tree Lighting: Great success! Again, a huge thank you to all the restaurants who participated as we greatly appreciate your support! And a special thanks to OP Fredericks, Panther Mt. Pub, Jimbo’s at the Point and the Crossroads for giving back their portion of the ticket sales… as this is one of the only fund raisers the TLBA has during the year it was greatly appreciated! Discussion was held on what to do differently for next year and if you have any input, please feel free to join the committee next year!
Our signatures: Warren County Planning Board gives our town $25 for each hour/each person who attends our meetings (we pass a sign in sheet). From April 2012 – December 2016 our town was awarded $37,500 to go toward Town projects!
Job Opportunity Fair: The Rotary and the Chamber hosted a Job Opportunity Fair recently with 6 local business unions offering free apprenticeships for graduating Seniors and any others in the community looking for a job. Starting salaries on many of these positions is over $50,000 a year with very generous benefit packages, but unfortunately only 3 students showed up for the presentation. They will try to hold another one in the future so contact Debra at the Chamber for more info!
Town of Horicon no longer allows banners advertising events on the bridge on the Mill as it interferes with the flower boxes. Signage is very limited in the town, and this will be discussed at the next town board meeting on December 21st at 7PM.
Chamber of Commerce news:
*Chamber Holiday Dinner was held at OP Fredericks on December 1st.
* As a member of the North Country Chamber of Commerce members of our chamber are included in their offerings, and the Heath Care presentation given a few weeks ago was very informative! Anyone needing assistance in choosing a health insurance plan should contact Debra for info.
* New Chamber website is moving forward – Check it out!
Town Banners: The new town banners for the light poles will be offered soon! An email will be sent out to all as soon as we have the details!