Minutes | December 12, 2014
General Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2014
- Taste of the Tri-Lakes and Rotary Memory Tree was a great success and we appreciate all the restaurants who participated and all the volunteers who made it possible – it started snowing at just the right time and we look forward to having this yearly event!
- “Repeal Day” The End of Prohibition was a great evening but weather limited the crowd so plans will be in the works for next year as a follow up night for Rum Runners. Big thanks to Monica Herrington for organizing this!
- Brant Lake Winter Carnival: Will be held Saturday February 21st this year. Over $1,000 has been raised to date for the Out House Race prizes and all businesses are are invited to enter! Committee will meet Tuesday Dec. 16th at 9 AM at Jimbo’s and anyone wanting to help out this year is welcome to attend. The Downhill Derby is scheduled for Feb.14th and we’d like to have more events throughout the week (it’ vacation week) so anyone with ideas let us know. A formal dance where the King & Queen of the Carnival can be voted upon and crowned was suggested, and a few members are looking into this.