Minutes | March 24, 2017
Meeting called to order by Al Tolomeo at 9 a.m.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade went well. Attendance was down this year due to colder temperatures. Many people watched from their cars parked along the route. The bag pipers could not play due to the cold temperatures and ended up playing afterwards at three of the local restaurants. There will be a wrap up meeting after this meeting.
Woofstock will be our next big event on June 3rd and 4th this year. Watch for meeting planning dates coming up.
Mary Jane Dower reported that the Farmers Market starts June 14th, 10 a.m. To 2 p.m. every week until September 20th this year.
Summerfest will be held this year on July 8 with fireworks. There is a planning meeting following this meeting at the North Warren Chamber building.
Brandon reported that the new rack cards will be done this year for events dating from May 2017, to May 2018.
Bob Olsen reported that the North Warren EMS is now a paid group because they can’t get enough volunteers. This doesn’t have a dramatic financial impact. He did not have a lot of information but will be reporting further on it at the next meeting.
Tricia Rogers, Membership Manager of the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce in Glens Falls wanted to share information about their chamber changes. Tori Riley is the new CEO. She explained what their chamber does to promote business in the area and said that they act as a support system for Washington, Warren, North Saratoga, and South Essex counties. She invited anyone interested in further information could contact her and she passed out her cards for those interested.
It was mentioned that a new restaurant will be opening at The Lodges in North Creek before summer this year.
Brandon moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Barbara.
Respectfully submitted,