Brant Lake Fishing Tournament: Saturday January 28th. Contact Don Butler to register. Soup and Open House will be at 888 Palisades Rd for people to come in, warm up, have some soup, use the loo….. anyone wanting to bring a Crockpot of soup over and ‘hang out’ if you want, contact Cindy at [email protected] and let her know what soup you’re bringing so we don’t have duplicates!
Brant Lake Winter Carnival: February 25, 2017. We’re having a Human Foosball court this year (6 people teams) so get your team ready! Outhouse Race prize money!
North Warren Chamber is developing a new website
Frontier Town to be transformed into Gateway of the Adirondacks:
Community Rack Cards: We need to get started on 2017 Community rack cards. Brandon will take care of layout – Patty Berg will get TLBA dates to him and Brandon will get Chamber events. It was discussed whether to include other towns and those present felt it would be too confusing and we should just do North Warren events. LaMothe from First Wilderness Corridor said we need to self- promote, with all groups knowing what other groups are doing. Keep local money local but bring in tourism monies as well!
Stone Bridge Snowshoe Race: February 11th –
Plans are in the works for First Night on New Years’ Eve @ the Chester Municipal Center.
January 21st – Al Tolomeo and Amelia Robbins at the Hudson River Music Hall – 3PM – Adults $10 / Students & Seniors $8.
St. Patrick’s’ Day Parade: March 11, 2017
Adirondack Woof Stock: June 3-4, 2017
Fork to Fork: Sometime in the spring.