Minutes | September 13, 2019
Carol Theatre
- Was a success this year- a lot of people from out of town/never been here before/went to dinner before the concert
- In the process of remodeling- goal is to be open in the spring
- Carol Center for the Arts- granted 5013C IRS status- not for profit performing arts center and can start taking donations
- Will now take some weight off of the Tri-Lakes- but will still work together on some things and still have tri-lake/rotary nights at the theatre.
- Still needs volunteers and will be conducting volunteer training programs and have a planned-out schedule for next season.
- If you would like to get involved now contact- Vanessa Hutton
Farmer’s Market- Wednesday’s 10-2
- 13,500 people this summer! WOW!
- Next Wednesday will be the last day and pizza will be brought in for the vendors (who really look forward to it every summer)
- This was started 8 years ago and has taken off and become so much more than they thought it would be.
5013C Committee
- We got approved! Now called Tri-lakes Community Alliance
- Had a great golf tournament! Cronin’s does an awesome job!
- Starting to work on Christmas w/ Santa & Memory Tree (Dec.2) with the Taste of the Tri-Lakes!
North Warren Chamber of Commerce
- The Garage sale was set for Saturday, September 28- it should be set the same weekend as Warrensburg. A lot of traffic gets off at exit 25 and goes through Chestertown.
- Lynn and Julia made the decision to switch the Town-wide garage sale to Saturday, October 5 to line up with Warrensburg! Spaces available throughout town (town hall, mountain hardware, Gallo, Chamber office) contact the chamber for any more information.
- Great Brant Lake Duck Race- Saturday, October 12 @ Mill Pond. Free pancake breakfast at 9AM and the ducks go off at the ‘Quack of Noon’. Duck tickets are a Buck a Duck!
Car Hops– Joint car hop with North Creek Business Alliance in the ski bowl Sunday 12-4 @ North Creek- Band, Music, and Food!
- No more Learning Gaps- Focused on Literacy- went really well, kids improved on all levels.
- Fall Programs- after school club- paid program (can receive financial help), teen nights (trips to Glens Falls YMCA, Adk center), Leadership programs.
- Community Calendar- Mindy & Tammie looking to start a calendar where families can go and find out what is going on around town. Will include school programs, YMCA programs, community events, etc.
- Tri-lakes & Chamber have a joint calendar, would be easier to add Tammie as an administrator to edit the calendar.
- Loon Lake has calendar as well
- It is a struggle to find one place to get all the events/info that you need.
Wellness Center
- 220 Memberships sold! Close to 300 members!
- Getting some new equipment in there
- Working to get gardening programs together
Helpers Fund 5K & 10K-September 21st
- Need Volunteers
Call from Holiday Inn in Lake George- Owners are looking to do Rum Runners theme for New Year’s
We are all very appreciative of Donny Butler! He is always there to help and we are very thankful to have him!