Minutes | May 16, 2014
General Board Meeting Minutes: May 16, 2014
- Car Hop: Because of the weather, 11 cars entered the Car Hope last week and $60 was raised for the TLBA in the 50/50 raffle. Next Car Hop is scheduled for June 13th.
- ATV Ride to Benefit The Helpers Fund. 126 riders participated and $2,177 was made for the Helper’s Fund. Another ride is planned in July with proceeds going to the Tri-Lakes Business Alliance. Current TLBA checkbook balance is $1,004.32. Insurance is due as well as the pledged $500 NW Scholarship and these upcoming fundraisers are necessary for the TLBA to continue to function, so please support these worthwhile and fun events!
- Craft BrewFest: Fund raiser on Saturday, May 31st, 5 PM to 8 PM at the Panther Mt. Inn. Come and enjoy a night of Beer tasting with numerous brewers on hand for brief presentations on the history of beer! Panther Mt. Inn will be donating food at their cost. Entrance fee is $25.00 and all proceeds will go to the Tri-Lakes Business Alliance.
- Carol Theatre: The APAC committee’s Open House generated $238 in donations, a DBA has been formed and a separate PO Box and checking account for APAC has been established. It was suggested the group approach the town for startup monies and letters will be going out to businesses for donations to help with advertising and other costs relating to the upcoming performances. No monies will be invested in the theatre or the building itself. Performances and shows are being booked for this summer and can be found on http://adkpac.webs.com or find them on Face Book https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adirondack-Performing-Arts-Council/779926848693531?ref=hl