Minutes | May 27, 2016
Tri-Lakes Business Alliance General Board Meeting Minutes 5-27-16
Rack Cards: They look great and are out for distribution! All of this year’s TLBA and NW Chamber events!
Pest Control: Eric Jackson and Dave Delaney gave a presentation on their company Maximum Pest Control. You can contact them at [email protected] or #518-350-7378 for all your pesty needs!
Car Hop: Car Hops are held the 1st Friday of the month at the Panther Mt. Inn and the 3rd Friday of the month at The Hub beginning around 5 PM. Trophy sponsors are still needed – $40 to have your business donate the trophies for each event.
Fork to Fork: Very successful with about 80 riders participating. Looking forward to this becoming a yearly event.
An Adirondack Woof Stock: Get out your tie-dye and lets go back to 1969 on June 18-19 in Chestertown,. Come see the Hudson Valley Dock Dogs and let your dog take a dive! Good at frisbee? Join the Beantown Disc Dog competitions or let your dog try the Doggie Fun Zone Lure Chasing Course. Adopt a pet from North Shore Animal League & Adirondack Save-A-Stray, watch the Police Canine demonstrations, attend the Blessing of the Animals or try out in the My Dog has Talent Show! Vendors, food and music all day both days! Saturday night visit Woof Stock Revisited on the Mill Pond in Brant Lake with live music, light show, vendors, food, and glow in the dark beach balls and Frisbees in the pond along with a Burn your Bra for Charity bonfire …..Great fun for the whole family and your canine companions! It’s all about the dogs!!!!! Read more →